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Cornhole Club

2 Supporters
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The Cornhole club is part of the UMass Dartmouth Community. Its mission is to support team building, interrelating, and networking while it develops coordination and personal growth.

The Cornhole Club at UMass Dartmouth:

The Cornhole Club has a season outline of activities such as several different tournaments, practice, bag toss tips, and Cornhole variations like Horse or "Blind Cornhole." "I'll get my buddies" "I just want to throw some bags!"

Why are donations necessary?

We are raising money to expand the club to support more interested students who want the experience. With these funds, we can: - Purchase NEW boards to offer more people to play simultaneously. -Attain better bags to instantly enhance the gameplay. -Provide FREE refreshments during meetings

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $50.0

  • - $25.0